Also Serving Lynden, Ferndale, Everson and Blaine

Like several other flying, stinging insects, yellow jackets have a black and yellow pattern on their abdomens. It can be difficult to identify exactly which pest has invaded your home or garden, but the team at Environmental Pest Control is here to help. We offer comprehensive services, including yellow jacket pest control.

Protect your family from painful stings with our effective yellow jacket treatment. Learn more about the signs of yellow jackets and how we can help below. When you are ready to schedule a service in Whatcom or Skagit County, give our team a call.

Characteristics of Yellow Jackets & Paper Wasp

Services You Can Trust

We have more than 30 years of experience in the pest control industry, so you can count on our expertise. We are a family-owned and -operated company with a proven track record of exceptional service. We can accurately identify the pests in your yard and provide the appropriate services to eliminate the problem.

When you need professional yellow jacket control services, you can rely on Environmental Pest Control. We are proud to serve businesses and residents throughout Whatcom and Skagit County, so contact us today to schedule an appointment.