Pest Control Specials

Rodent Control Special
Environmental Pest Control would like to offer free Rodent Control setup on a residential property with a one-year service agreement if you currently have rodent control on site with another provider.
If you have a commercial property or a Homeowners association we will offer a 50% discount on the setup fee.
The difference between Environmental Pest Control and many other pest companies:
- We are local family owned & operated.
- Our office routes all rodent control. All rodent control is date specific. All accounts are routed to a route and you will be notified 2 days prior to service. (Rodent service is not scheduled by technicians.)
- The service will be done by the same technician, unless that technician goes on vacation or is out sick, or manager runs route for quality control.
- All bait stations and traps are bar coded on the interior. Each technician has to check equipment in order to close account. (No ghosting of accounts)
If you have any questions or if you're interested in a rodent control bid - Please contact our office at (360) 676-5120.