Stinging Insects

There has been quite a buzz about large Asian hornets appearing in Whatcom County since late 2019. How do I know what I’m seeing in my yard?

Stinging Insects Western Washington

While there have been stories in the news about the Asian “Murder” Hornet, the most common stinging insects are Yellow Jackets, Bald Faced Hornets and European Paper Wasps.

Bees in your yard

Most bees are beneficial to humans and only sting when threatened. Hornets and wasps can be aggressive. Paper Wasps will only attack if provoked and have a painful sting. Yellow Jackets can sting multiple times without losing their stingers or dying. They become particularly aggressive if their nest is threatened. Hornets are larger than yellow jackets and can sting multiple times. Both Hornets and Yellow Jackets provide some benefit by eating other insects.

Preventing Hornet and Wasp Infestations

If you see a nest or have an infestation, dealing with it yourself can be dangerous, so you should rely on a professional. These tips can help in the meantime:

1) Eliminate decaying materials from your yard.

2) If you try to spray nests with aerosols, the nest will almost always come back.

3) You should avoid plugging the outside entry hole to a nest attached to your house. This can result in bees coming into your house.

4) If you think you’ve found an Asian Giant Hornet, report it to the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

For more information on treating and preventing stinging insect infestations, contact Environmental Pest Control today.